31-days-impactI tend to notice quite a bit.  I don’t have a photographic memory, I think I just pay attention.  I notice who was standing or sitting where, what the lighting looked like, the sounds of the room, the smell in the air.  I notice the demeanor of people as they sit, talk, laugh, cry.

Oh, the infinite value of noticing!  Opening the eyes…of the body, the mind, the soul.  To see what’s in front of you, to the left and right.  To notice a smile, a tear.  To take note of pain, of suffering.  To see the celebration of a moment and wonder why.

To notice a need in another and meet it is a treasured experience, shared by too few in this world.  To slow one’s self enough and listen to the silent cries of a hurting heart, and reach out with selfless compassion is a virtue, I believe we must all possess.

Life offers us many opportunities to notice.  The sound of one’s laugh, the way another walks and carries themselves.  The pure artistry in a way a mother loves her baby or the strength of a father as he wipes the tears from the eyes of his frightened child.

To notice is a gift.  Not given, but received.  Unwrapping the gift is pure joy.
